Tuesday, January 22

1st Day of School

(m) Woke at 7am, breakfast of pancakes and mosh (kind of like oatmeal). Five minute walk to our Spanish school, Escuela Juan Sisay. I was paired up with a 19 year old guy named Fernando and Trin was with Jose, a student from the universidad. Each day consists of five hours of one on one tutoring. We sat on the second story roof on a couple of plastics chairs, a small table seperating us, and went through the basics of Spanish. Some of my high school spanish is coming back albeit slowly & painfully! After 1pm, went back to Veronica's for a lunch of chicken and brocolli where I attempted to comment to Veronica on the nice Marin mountain bike I saw in the garage and how that was something I did at home as well. Trin and I strolled back to Parque Centro to complete a couple of hours of homework and then explored the town on another walk. Back at home we enjoyed a spagetti dinner where Veronica's husband mentioned something about his bike, and I think he said he will take me next time he goes, but I'm not sure as all I heard was "we" "bike" "mountain". Off to bed.

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